Please come along to the Morning Star Our Class Our Culture event on Tuesday 1st June at 7pm to look at how the trade union movement defeated anti-trade union laws and an anti-working class government 50 years ago and the lessons we can learn for the present day.
The zoom link is:
The event will be chaired by UNISON national executive member and ATUC member Kate Ramsden, and speakers are:
Davie Cooper - on the UCS action, how unity was won and maintained, how broader support was won across Britain
George Kerr - on how broader unity was secured in workplaces across the Clyde and further afield and the role of the shop stewards movement and liaison committee
Brenda Carson - on current challenges, the fight back by women trade unions and how memories of the past can inspire the present
Jackson Cullinane - on lessons for the present
There has never been a more important time to be in a trade union and for collective action. Many of the challenges that face us have parallels from 50 years ago and hearing about those successes can only inspite us for the fights ahead.
Please join us.