
Friday 30 April 2021

Come along to the ATUC May Day online rally and support workers' rights and international solidarity

Please join us at our Aberdeen Trades Union Council online May Day event on Saturday 1st May to celebrate International Workers' Day.

ATUC is joining in with Aberdeen Social Centre and our May Day online rally will take place from 12-1pm with the Social Centre's Radical Cafe continuing the May Day theme from 1-2pm.

You can join the Zoom Meeting here

The ATUC event will be chaired by Aberdeenshire UNISON's Kate Ramsden, whilst the ASC event will be hosted by Fiona Napier of SEPA UNISON. There will be a range of speakers from trade unions, focussing on international solidarity and workers' rights in a time of Covid, alongside political poetry from Tommy Campbell and music from Davy Kettyles.

Find out more here

Kate Ramsden said, "May Day is all about workers rights and international solidarity. It has never been more important.

"If the past year has taught us anything, it is first of all, who the workers are that have kept services going throughout the pandemic. Those are the front-line workers in health, in care, in education, in transport, in food sales and production, other public service workers, in all other public services and in trades. 

"Yet as we hopefully move out of Covid, it looks as if those very people we relied upon during the pandemic are the very people that are being made to pay the price. We cannot allow that.

"The second lesson is the key importance of trades unions. It's no coincidence that we have had a spike in membership as workers begin to recognise the importance of standing together to ensure their protections and rights at work. And to ensure no worker is left behind."