Fiona Napier
Supporting the motion from Aberdeen Trades Union Council, STUC Congress
condemned the continuing deterioration of democracy and human rights in Turkey
and called for the release from prison of elected politicians, journalists and
trade union activists.
It backed calls for the restoration of negotiations with
Abdullah Öcalan and the PKK for a peaceful settlement for the Kurdish question
in Turkey.
Delegates also condemned the invasion of northern Syria by
Turkey in October 2019 and the General Council will demand the UK government
ends all arms sales to Turkey and hold them accountable for war crimes
committed in Syria.
Moving the motion, ATUC’s Fiona Napier told Congress that it
has been heart breaking at times to hear some of the contributions over the
last few days and to hear of the struggles workers have faced over the past
difficult year.
“But it’s also so inspiring see and hear the energy and
determination from everyone to make a difference, and it really gives hope that
maybe we will see the radical changes we all want to see.”
She added that in the challenging times ahead, we must not
forget comrades around the world who are fighting their own battles, especially
when they ask for our help and solidarity, and thanked the STUC for the chance
to bring this important motion to this year’s Congress.
Fiona condemned Turkey under Erdogan, “where we are
witnessing a vicious assault on democratic freedoms and human rights, brazenly
carried out in full view. The ruthless crackdown on progressive voices and
activists we’ve seen over the past years is not only continuing but is actually
intensifying,” slammed Fiona.