
Sunday 29 November 2020

ATUC commends Aberdeen City for flying the Palestinian flag on the UN international day of solidarity with the people of Palestine.

Today is UN international day of solidarity with the people of Palestine. 

Aberdeen Trades Union Council sends greetings to the people of Palestine and pledges our continued support for an end to the oppression and occupation of the people of Palestine by the Israeli government.

We commend Aberdeen City Council and the Lord Provost for flying the Palestinian flag today to commemorate the international day of solidarity with the people of Palestine.

This continues Aberdeen City's excellent record of international solidarity, including awarding the freedom of the city to Nelson Mandela when he was still a prisoner on Robben Island. 

As Mandela said, “We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.”

ATUC Acting President, Graeme Farquhar said "We fully support the decision of Aberdeen City Council's Lord Provost  to yet again fly the Palestinian flag as part of the United Nations International Day of Solidarity with the people of Palestine.


"The Aberdeen TUC in line with STUC policy continues in its efforts to secure peace and justice for Palestine in line with United Nations Resolutions aimed at bringing an end to Israel's illegal occupied territories of Palestine."

The struggle continues.