
Monday 4 May 2020

Our Virtual May Day Event

Being unable to organise our march along Union Street this year didn't stop us coming together for our May Day celebrations.

We were able to live stream a joint event with Dundee TUC. We had a few technical issues but that didn't stop us!

It was a very different event this year but the messages were perhaps even more powerful about the need to value, support and properly pay our workers, especially those providing vital services to our communities and our most vulnerable during this pandemic.

When this is over things have to change. The economy must be run for the benefit of the many and not just the few, with a focus on wellbeing and not just profit for the richest. And we must tackle climate change and protect our environment, for our children and our grandchildren if not for ourselves.

Thanks to everyone who supported this year’s May Day event.

If you missed it when live, you can watch it here:

Aberdeen writer and performer Molly McLachlan recorded this poem for our May Day event on Friday. We couldn't show it on the day unfortunately, but are pleased to be able to do so now!

You can follow Molly and her work on her FB page - Molly McLachlan: Poetry & Etc

And here's Clype!