STUC wants to know more about how employers are responding to
COVID-19 and what it means for you and your work. They will use this
information to put pressure on government and employers to keep workers safe,
protect jobs and ensure people are treated fairly. Your answers are
confidential and our reporting will be on an anonymous basis. This should take
less than 10 minutes to fill in. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/XRJFZ6X
TUC survey
Unions are pushing for fair treatment for everyone at work. But we
need to know more about what the problems are. If you have concerns about
how your employer is responding to coronavirus, please fill out oursurvey. The survey is short and can be completed anonymously if you
prefer. Even if you tell us where you work, we won’t publish any details that
can identify you. If there’s something you’d like to tell us about what’s going
on where you work, please take the survey now. https://tuccampaigns.typeform.com/to/DhepZE
Aberdeen City Council has launched a free crisis support line to
prioritise support to its most
vulnerable and at-risk customers during the coronavirus outbreak.
vulnerable and at-risk customers during the coronavirus outbreak.
This service is for crisis only. It is for those who are hardest
hit by the coronavirus outbreak and unable to find the information they are
looking for or unable to get help from their existing support networks, in
these unprecedented times. The telephone number 0800 0304 713 will be staffed
initially from 8am-6pm Monday to Friday from Tuesday 24 March until further
Members of the emergency helpline team are ready to provide
welfare and financial advice and support, including what to do if you are
struggling to get food or pay bills. Similar advice and information are also
available on issues such as housing, health, food, heating, finance and schools
on the Coronavirus(COVID-19) page of the Council’s website, which is being regularly updated. https://news.aberdeencity.gov.uk/council-launches-emergency-helpline-during-covid-19-outbreak/
FAQs have been developed jointly between COSLA and the SJC Trade Unions (UNISON, Unite and the GMB) to help Local Government employees understand the national COVID-19 advice. https://www.cosla.gov.uk//news/2020/03/covid-19-employee-faqs
FAQs have been developed jointly between COSLA and the SJC Trade Unions (UNISON, Unite and the GMB) to help Local Government employees understand the national COVID-19 advice. https://www.cosla.gov.uk//news/2020/03/covid-19-employee-faqs
BEMIS Scotland have
formed an Ethnic Minority National Resilience Network to aid ethnic minority
communities to access support agencies, emergency relief or make contact with broader community support initiatives during this period of self-isolation.
communities to access support agencies, emergency relief or make contact with broader community support initiatives during this period of self-isolation.
6. TUC Webinar: Coronavirus at Work: The Wage Subsidy
Part of TUC’s Coronavirus at Work webinar series, with
Kate Bell, TUC Head of Rights, International and Social Affairs. Register to
join: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/the-wage-subsidy-and/register
7 Actions you can take:
· G20: Offer debt
relief to fight coronavirus https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/coronavirus_debt_relief_loc/?ffktrcb&fbclid=IwAR0oYJu-9Y723cHh86Eg8gA0v5SBuCPYsk1IBw2Ul5Yag7H87HUtYIU4JmU_debt_relief_loc/?ffktrcb&fbclid=IwAR0oYJu-9Y723cHh86Eg8gA0v5SBuCPYsk1IBw2Ul5Yag7H87HUtYIU4JmU
· Coronavirus: catch
everyone in the safety net https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/petition-coronavirus-catch-everyone-safety-net/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=petition-share&utm_campaign=covid-living-wage&utm_content=catcheveryoneinthe&fbclid=IwAR0GXceAPJQy89GLTWJWc11lPuE1tJi3xjbqjlXWV8QJwW3hm1PcCfVJNfo
· 6 Demands from NHS
staff to help us tackle Coronavirus https://www.change.org/p/boris-johnson-6-demands-from-nhs-staff-to-help-us-tackle-coronavirus
· Joseph Rowntree
Foundation - Government must go further to protect people https://www.jrf.org.uk/press/government-must-go-further-protect-people-low-incomes-impact-coronavirus