
Tuesday 24 March 2020

Aberdeen Trades Union Council Executive Committee Statement on Covid-19

ATUC echoes the statement from the Scottish Trade Union Congress calling on the UK government to:
  • Allow access to sick pay from day one and remove the qualifying wage of £114 per week to be able to claim sick pay
  • Significantly increase sick pay from its current level of £94.25 per week
  • Bring in immediate safeguards for workers such as those in the gig economy who are deemed as self-employed or are on zero or short hours contracts
ATUC calls on Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire local authorities to:
·       Freeze rent for small businesses occupying council-owned properties
·       Freeze council tax payments to ease the burden for those unable to work

ATUC wishes affiliates, delegates and their families good health. As well as full support and solidarity to public and private sector workers including healthcare professionals keeping Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire running. ATUC wishes to lend support and solidarity to Covid-19 support groups in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire.

The Executive urges all delegates who are able, and taking account of the new guidance on self-isolating, to support local foodbanks including Community Food Initiatives North East (CFINE) and to support to the best of their ability the Covid-19 support groups.

Full Council meetings of ATUC will be suspended, with our International Workers' Memorial Day event and International Workers' Day parade and rally cancelled. The Executive Committee will be meeting every two weeks, more frequently on an as-needed basis, via video conference to deal with urgent business where necessary and to monitor the situation.

For more information please visit the NHS, STUC, TUC, Scottish and UK government websites:

In solidarity,

 Aberdeen Trades Union Council Executive Committee