
Friday 14 February 2020

Free showing of the film WitchHunt and panel discussion

Please come along to a showing of the film, WitchHunt and a panel discussion on Tuesday 25th February 7-9pm at the Belmont Filmhouse, 49 Belmont Street, AB10 1JS Aberdeen.

The controversial IHRA working definition of antisemitism with its examples is increasingly being misused to silence and/or criminalise critics of Israeli government policies that clearly violate Palestinian human rights.

To raise awareness and encourage debate on the subject, ATUC is hosting a screening of the 2019 documentary film and a panel discussion featuring John Pullman (Director), Sarah Glynn (Scottish Jews Against Zionism), and Barney Crockett (Aberdeen Lord Provost (invited)).

In 2018, Palestinian civil society issued a call urging UK labour movement and trade unions to reject the IHRA working definition of antisemitism, recognising that the examples used in this non-legally binding definition are increasingly being used to silence and/or criminalise criticism of Israeli government policies that clearly violate Palestinian human rights. Some ATUC delegates have experienced such attempts, and ATUC are taking a motion on this important issue to this year’s STUC.

To raise awareness and open up debate locally around this subject, ATUC is hosting a screening of the 2019 film ‘Witch Hunt’, followed by a panel discussion. The film’s director Jon Pullman will be taking part, as will Sarah Glynn from Scottish Jews for a Just Peace/ Scottish Jews Against Zionism. Lord Provost Barney Crockett has also been invited to take part in the panel discussion, particularly relevant given that in 2019, ACC accepted the controversial IHRA definition plus examples.

This free public event will be held on Tuesday 25th Feb, 7-9pm in the Belmont Filmhouse, Belmont Street, Aberdeen.    

In 2015, while the far right was gaining ground around the world, socialist MP Jeremy Corbyn was elected as leader of the UK Labour Party in a landslide victory. Accusations of antisemitism within the party immediately began to circulate. Well-known anti-racists and left-wing Jews, such as Jackie Walker, were amongst the chief targets.
WitchHunt sets out to investigate the stories and the people behind the headlines, examining the nature of the accusations. Is this a witch hunt, as some claim? If so, who is behind it, and what is the political purpose of such a campaign? Has the media failed in its duty to fairness and accuracy in reporting on such serious allegations?  Through a series of interviews, analysis and witness testimony, WitchHunt explores the connections between the attacks on Labour, the ongoing tragedy of Palestine and the wider struggle against race-based oppression. It argues that if it is to mean anything at all, the fight against racism must  be a shared one that includes all peoples.

Jon Pullman

Writer and activist Jon Pullman first began shooting and producing films on local social justice issues in Scotland before widening the focus more internationally.