
Saturday 9 November 2019

ATUC Statement in support of Kate Ramsden

ATUC are shocked and angered to hear of the accusations of anti-semitism being made against ATUC delegate and former ATUC president Kate Ramsden. 

Kate is a life-long – and tireless – campaigner for children’s rights, equality, anti-racism and social justice. She is a staunch supporter of Palestinian rights – as is ATUC – and appears to be being accused under the controversial IHRA definition of anti-semitism, which some people are mis-using to equate criticism of Israeli government policies with anti-Jewish sentiment. 

Nothing could be further from the truth with Kate – a committed anti-racist, she is as critical of anti-semitism as she is of any other form of hatred and discrimination. Kate is always the first to speak out against any injustice, and ATUC stands solidly in support of Kate now. 

We must resist all attempts to silence those who advocate for Palestinian rights, and support all those falsely accused.