
Saturday 4 May 2019

Upbeat May Day march against austerity and for workers' rights defies the bracing weather

Saturday 4th May saw an excellent May Day March and rally in Aberdeen, as trade unionists, community activists, families, friends and dogs, joined the ATUC organised event to commemorate international workers' day.

Although it was bracing weather for May, the upbeat rhythms of the Guarana Drummers kept spirits high, and the banners and flags made a colourful spectacle against the sleet gray sky. Passers-by, as always, stopped to watch and wave as the march snaked down Union Street.

The rally was moved from a cold, wet and windy Castlegate to the warmth of the Parkville Social Centre where marchers were treated to welcome and warming home made soup and great speeches calling for workers across the world to unite and defend hard won rights and equalities.

Click here to see more photos on Facebook

Report of the rally and speakers to follow