
Monday 6 May 2019

Kevin Hutchens pays May Day tribute to "Super Tommy" Campbell

Kevin Hutchens
ATUC consultative member, Kevin Hutchens spoke on behalf of Aberdeen Trades Union Council at the May Day Rally.

He began by paying tribute in a humorous poem, to long term Unite Regional Officer and ATUC stalwart as he heads into retirement at the end of May.

Kevin said, “Some of you will know that Tommy Campbell is retiring as a full time union officer this month, what you may not know is that the toffs have heard about this and are thinking of celebrating.

“So imagine the scene as they start to celebrate;-

"Let’s get out the champers, Tommy Campbell no longer a threat, bring out the staff tips we've requisitioned for the good of our good company, namely ourselves wott,wott, and let’s get a new roller.

Let’s deduct for uniforms and take wages below the national minimum wage and reward ourselves with a jolly good bonus ,wott,wott. After all us poor little rich people have had it really difficult with TC keeping an eye on us. Now’s the time to celebrate ".

But all of a sudden, a sound like a rocket fills the air. Is it a bird, is it a plane, no, it’s Super Tommy in his new role as a retired Unite delegate to Aberdeen TUC, acting as an ambassador for workers’ rights, sweeping through the air.

Tommy Campbell
The toffs recoil "quick put the roller in the garage, reverse the uniform charges, prepare the defences against new taxes for the rich, the campaign for a living wage and cuts in CEO pay, for Super Tommy is here to stay "

Super Tommy comes into view and without further ado lays his demands on the table. "With my X ray eyes I see you've hidden the roller away, so hidden no more, give it to give children of the workers free trips, the company paying.

“As for you toffs, cuts in pay, the savings given to provide decent pay for the workers, and to improve your knowledge a new training package for you, starting with cleaning the toilets and cleaning the building every night "

For Super Tommy is here to stay."

I hope you will excuse my humour, but seriously, we owe a lot as a trade union movement to Tommy Campbell. I used to be a trade union rep, and I know that Tommy Campbell helped many people in difficult circumstances, and from the bottom of my heart on behalf of us all, I say thank you!

Now onto the serious bit.  As a consulative delegate of Aberdeen TUC I have a lead role in moving forward a STUC project to research the North East economy and look at the impact of the austerity cuts and the decline in the oil industry .There will be focus groups locally ,and I am pleased to say that STUC is adapting its timetable to enable the public sector focus groups to take place in the evening. Please keep an eye on the Aberdeen TUC blog and Facebook page for progress reports.

Kevin concluded with a rallying cry. 

“May day, May day, Teresa’s lost Tory seats, Tory government out the door. May day now Workers’ revolution day, because workers’ rights are teachers’ rights, are nurses’ rights, are fire service rights, are public sector rights, are all workers’ rights. 

"Freedom of expression, the right to strike. So let’s celebrate, sing, dance, recite poetry - for May Day is and always will be the workers’ day!"