
Tuesday 30 April 2019

Call for all workers, families and friends to join the May Day March and Rally for International Workers' Day on 4th May

Aberdeen Trades Union Council is calling on North East citizens, workers, families and friends to join us on Saturday 4th May at the 2019 May Day March and Rally to celebrate International Workers' Day.

Marchers will gather at Rubislaw Terrace at 11.00am, to march off at 11.30am down Union Street, led by the uplifting beats of the Guarana Drummers. A rally will be held in the Castlegate from 12.15pm. 

ATUC President, Sasha Brydon said that May Day has never been more important, as we fight to retain the rights won in struggle by trade unionists of the past, including our right to paid time off,  sick leave, decent pay and proper health and safety at work.

“All our hard won rights are under threat with year on year cuts to public services and a Tory government determined to attack employment rights. This affects us not only as workers but also hits our local communities that depend on public services.

“Cuts to public services also have a knock on effect on private sector workers and on our local economies. They hit hardest the poorest and most vulnerable, who most depend on public services.

“The march today gives a clear message that we will stand together defend our employment and human rights.”

Sasha called on Trade Unions, Community Groups, friends and families to come and join us with banners and placards. 

A social event will be held after the rally in the Parkvale Social Club, 16 King Street, Aberdeen. There will be soup and sandwiches, and all are welcome to attend.