
Friday 1 March 2019

Save our services in Aberdeen - say no to cuts!

Aberdeen Trade Union Council, along with Aberdeen Anarchist Group and Aberdeen Social Centre, has organised a lobby of the Aberdeen City Council budget meeting on Tuesday 5th March from 1-4pm outside Marischall College, Broad Street, Aberdeen to protest planned cuts of £40million.

All delegates are urged to get along and support this lobby.

Co-organiser and ATUC Secretary, Fiona Napier said, "It's time for feet on the streets. We need everyone's voice.

"The council meeting on Tuesday will make the decision on the budget. The P&J is reporting that more than 200 jobs could be lost and many community and sports and leisure facilities closed down."

Fiona warned that these cuts will affect the most vulnerable families in the city. "Our communities, our children, our teenagers and our elderly will be most affected by this.

"People's jobs, people's lives will be torn apart by some of these proposals."

Please get along if you can and make sure our voices heard! Everyone and their banners welcome!

No ifs, no buts, no service cuts!