The 2018 Hiroshima Memorial Service will be held on Sunday 5th August 12noon until 2pm in Union Terrace, Aberdeen. All are welcome to attend.
The Atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th in 1945. It was much smaller than the Atomic bombs we have now but its effects were
still devastating.
The event has been organised by Aberdeen Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND). They organise an annual memorial to remember those who were killed and
injured by the Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and the one that took place
two days later in Nagasaki.
The event is also held to remind us all of the
potential horrors of nuclear war. A CND peace sign will be created from
flowers and there will be speeches, music and poetry.
ATUC has always supported this memorial event. Please get along if you can.
Click here for more information