
Thursday 17 May 2018

Statement from Aberdeen Trades Union Council on the massacre of Palestinian protesters in Gaza

Aberdeen Trades Union Council condemns unequivocally the massacre by the State of Israel, of Palestinian citizens exercising their right of peaceful protest.

We are outraged at the shootings and killings by the Israeli Defence Force of unarmed protesters, including many children, one as young as 8 months. There can be no justification for killing unarmed civilians and children. It is a breach of international law which shames us all and we call on the international community to hold Israel to account.

We are appalled that the US has blocked a UN call for an independent inquiry. This is another stain on the United States and the position they have taken on Palestine since Donald Trump became president.

ATUC has already condemned Trump’s decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem. The jubilation of those at the opening ceremony stands in shocking contrast to the scenes on the Gazan border where Israeli Defence Force snipers continued their assaults on Palestinians, murdering and injuring protesters with weapons some of which were no doubt purchased from the UK.

We note the UK Government’s condemnation of Israel’s actions but words are not enough. We demand that the UK Government immediately ceases its arms trade with Israel.

We also call on all political parties, trade unions and individuals to embrace the campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel, to put pressure on the Israeli government to end the oppression of Palestinians, the occupation of their lands and to give Palestinian refugees the right of return.

The great Nelson Mandela said, “We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.” ATUC will continue to campaign for that freedom, for justice and for peace for the Palestinian people.

Please come along to the protest against the killings and maiming and to call for an end to Israeli war crimes. This will be held on Sunday 20th May 1-2.30pm outside Ross Thompson MP's office, 192 Holburn Street, Aberdeen. Click here for details

Please also sign this Avaaz petition Palestinian Lives Matter