
Monday 7 May 2018

May Day March and Rally - standing up for workers rights and equality in our 150th anniversary year

Hundreds turned out for the ATUC organised May Day March and Rally to celebrate International Workers Day - a true celebration of workers’ rights on the 150th anniversary of the ATUC

The sun shone and the marchers made a colourful and noisy spectacle as they paraded down Union Street to the upbeat rhythms of the wonderful Guarana Drummers.

The crowds on Union Street stopped to watch and wave as the march passed by and marchers gave out leaflets bringing greetings from the ATUC in our 150th birthday year.

At the rally, compered by ATUC President, Kathleen Kennedy, a range of speakers highlighted the importance of workers' and human rights here and around the world and called for greater equality and justice for all.

A photo at the end will send greetings from the march to our colleagues in Gaza, suffering under Israeli occupation and oppression.

You can enjoy the videos of the march and the rally below.

Posted by Aberdeen Trades Union Council on Saturday, 5 May 2018

Posted by Aberdeen Trades Union Council on Saturday, 5 May 2018