Saturday, 26 May 2018

A Fantastic Grampian Pride March and Rally!

Today saw the first Grampian Pride march down Union Street in Aberdeen which had thousands of people proudly raising their rainbow flags and enjoying the sunshine in an inspiring event by the LGBT+ community, joined by their friends and allies from all walks of life.

The parade was led by a Scottish Fire & Rescue Service engine, and had a number of brightly decorated floats, followed by loads of community groups, with drums and music all the way.

Grampian Pride 2018
Aberdeen Trades Union Council was proud to be a supporter of Grampian Pride this year, and it was fantastic to see a great representation by many different trade unions on the march, continuing the long commitment trade unions have had to promoting equality and breaking down boundaries.

A great event - and we look forward to the next one!  Go here for more photos of the event.

Thursday, 17 May 2018

Statement from Aberdeen Trades Union Council on the massacre of Palestinian protesters in Gaza

Aberdeen Trades Union Council condemns unequivocally the massacre by the State of Israel, of Palestinian citizens exercising their right of peaceful protest.

We are outraged at the shootings and killings by the Israeli Defence Force of unarmed protesters, including many children, one as young as 8 months. There can be no justification for killing unarmed civilians and children. It is a breach of international law which shames us all and we call on the international community to hold Israel to account.

We are appalled that the US has blocked a UN call for an independent inquiry. This is another stain on the United States and the position they have taken on Palestine since Donald Trump became president.

ATUC has already condemned Trump’s decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem. The jubilation of those at the opening ceremony stands in shocking contrast to the scenes on the Gazan border where Israeli Defence Force snipers continued their assaults on Palestinians, murdering and injuring protesters with weapons some of which were no doubt purchased from the UK.

We note the UK Government’s condemnation of Israel’s actions but words are not enough. We demand that the UK Government immediately ceases its arms trade with Israel.

We also call on all political parties, trade unions and individuals to embrace the campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel, to put pressure on the Israeli government to end the oppression of Palestinians, the occupation of their lands and to give Palestinian refugees the right of return.

The great Nelson Mandela said, “We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.” ATUC will continue to campaign for that freedom, for justice and for peace for the Palestinian people.

Please come along to the protest against the killings and maiming and to call for an end to Israeli war crimes. This will be held on Sunday 20th May 1-2.30pm outside Ross Thompson MP's office, 192 Holburn Street, Aberdeen. Click here for details

Please also sign this Avaaz petition Palestinian Lives Matter

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

ATUC Annual Report 2017

ATUC Annual Report 2017
Aberdeen Trades Union Council is pleased to announce the publication of our Annual Report for 2017, which is now available for download from this website.

If you would like hard copies of this report to distribute within your organisations, please contact us on our Facebook page and we can arrange to get copies to you.

The year 2018 is also our 150th Anniversary year, and we'd like to give our special thanks to everyone who provides articles for the report, for our dedicated team of people who work on putting the report together, and also all the trade unions and other organisations who help to support the work of the ATUC throughout the year, and who support the production of the annual report by providing articles and adverts.

Monday, 7 May 2018

May Day March and Rally - standing up for workers rights and equality in our 150th anniversary year

Hundreds turned out for the ATUC organised May Day March and Rally to celebrate International Workers Day - a true celebration of workers’ rights on the 150th anniversary of the ATUC

The sun shone and the marchers made a colourful and noisy spectacle as they paraded down Union Street to the upbeat rhythms of the wonderful Guarana Drummers.

The crowds on Union Street stopped to watch and wave as the march passed by and marchers gave out leaflets bringing greetings from the ATUC in our 150th birthday year.

At the rally, compered by ATUC President, Kathleen Kennedy, a range of speakers highlighted the importance of workers' and human rights here and around the world and called for greater equality and justice for all.

A photo at the end will send greetings from the march to our colleagues in Gaza, suffering under Israeli occupation and oppression.

You can enjoy the videos of the march and the rally below.

Friday, 4 May 2018

Moving Workers' Memorial Day Service pledges to remember the dead, fight for the living.

A moving International Workers’ Memorial Day Service was held on Saturday 28th April  in the beautiful Persley Memorial Garden, Aberdeen.

Organised by ATUC and chaired by Donna Clark, Vice-President, the service was addressed by politicians, activists and trade union speakers in this the 30th anniversary year of the Piper Alpha disaster and ofcourse our own 150th anniversary year.

Wreaths were laind by Aberdeen City Council and by the ATUC. Welcoming those attending Donna said that no one should leave for their work never to return, but it happens all too often. The theme of this years  remembrance events is that unionised workplaces are safer workplaces.

Participants observed a two minute silence to remember all those who had died, been made ill or injured at their work.

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Please come along to the next ATUC Delegates meeting on Wednesday 2 May 2018 at 7.30pm

The next ATUC Delegates meeting will be held on Wednesday 1st May 2018 at 7.30pm within the ATUC premises at 22A Adelphi, Aberdeen.

Other agenda items will be arrangements for May Day on 5th May. There are also a number of new events as part of our 150th anniversary celebrations. The new Exec will bring you up to date on plans for these events.

The Annual Report has been published and copies were circulated at the STUC Congress to great acclaim. The meeting will hear about the Congress and the high profile of the ATUC delegates again this year.

We hope as many delegates as possible can attend this important meeting.

Join us on our May Day March and Rally in our 150th year

Aberdeen's May Day March & Rally for International Workers' Day will be held on Saturday 5th May this year.

The event is organised as always by Aberdeen Trades Union Council. Each year, people across the globe take to the streets to commemorate International Workers' Day, or May Day.

ATUC President, Kathleen Kennedy said, "In our 150th anniversary year we want to make our May Day March and Rally an event to remember.

"We are calling on trade unions, community groups, friends and families to join us with banners and placards.

"We want to give a clear message on International Workers Day that workers matter. We are the backbone of our society and should be treated with respect, decently paid and their workplaces should be safe, healthy and family friendly.

"We shouldn't need to strike to defend our pensions, our pay and our terms and conditions - yet we do. Events like our May Day March show solidarity and support for our struggles."

Please gather at Rubislaw Terrace at 11.00am, to march off at 11.30am down Union Street. A rally will be held in the Castlegate from 12.15pm, with a range of speakers from trade unions, local politicians and community activists.