
Thursday 19 April 2018

Tributes at Holyrood to ATUC in our 150th year

Lewis Macdonald, MSP and Aberdeen Trades Union Council Consultative member, pays tribute to Aberdeen Trades Union Council in the year of our 150th Anniversary, as he leads his Members' Business debate on this in the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday 17th April 2018.

You can hear his full speech by clicking here

ATUC Vice-President Donna Clark and Executive Member Laura McDonald attended the debate in Holyrood and presented Lewis with our ATUC 150th celebratory badges and our 2017 Annual Report.

In his speech, Lewis outlined the history of Aberdeen Trades Union Council and the important role that it and its affiliates have played in the North East of Scotland.

He highlighted the important role of all Trades Union Councils across Scotland. Delegates attend the STUC Congress on the same basis as delegates from affiliated unions and Lewis explained that more ATUC delegates would have been at the debate if it didn't co-incide with Congress where the ATUC was playing a full part in those proceedings.

Lewis also brought greetings from Scottish Labour leader, Richard Leonard, who was unable to be in Holyrood because he too was in Aviemore addressing the STUC Congress.

Aberdeen Trades Union Council would like to express our thanks to Lewis for highlighting Aberdeen Trades Union Council in the Scottish Parliament in this our 150th year, and for all his support to the ATUC over the years as a Consultative member and our local Labour MSP.

Thank you Lewis!