
Wednesday 28 March 2018

ATUC sends messages of solidarity to striking Unite members as union slams "intransigent" First Bus

ATUC members including Scott Sutherland and John Connon have visited Unite First Bus members on the picket line during their current strike action to pass on solidarity and support from ATUC as Unite members enter their second week of action.

Yesterday Unite blasted management for suspending negotiations which might have ended indefinite strike action at First Aberdeen.

“What are we supposed to do - sign these new contracts on our knees?” asked Unite branch convenor, Mike Flynn.

Last week drivers at First Bus in Aberdeen decided to go on an indefinite strike in protest against new contracts. Among other things the First Bus proposals include an increase in drivers’ working hours for reduced wages, reduced sick pay, reduced annual leave and holiday pay, and an end to paid breaks for drivers on duty.

Despite the draconian nature of these plans Unite Scotland has been prepared to negotiate on terms. But the mood among the drivers is hardening with the bus bosses’ intransigence.

Unite First Bus Branch convenor, Mike Flinn, said “It’s no wonder that the drivers are ready to go on indefinite strike. And it’s no wonder the mood is getting more hard line. These proposals mean that many drivers will be losing more than £5000 a year on their earnings. First Bus Managing Director likes to talk about give and take. Well it’s Unite members that are doing the giving and First Bus doing the taking.”

A meeting of members is due to take place tomorrow.