
Tuesday 27 February 2018

Protest the Tory Conference in Aberdeen on 3rd March 2018

ATUC delegates are urged to get along to a protest against cuts and austerity at the Conservative Party Conference in the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre. The protest will last from 8am to 5.30pm on Saturday 3rd of March 2018 outside the conference entrance of the AECC.

The protest will highlight the damage of austerity by having a food bank collection outside the conference alongside the picketing. We will display it for them all to see! Please bring along a small contribution for the food bank.

This will show that the people of Aberdeen stand united against the cuts and the fall in living standards that are leaving so many in absolute poverty. 

The organisers said, "Austerity is a cruel and politically motivated agenda that results in us all suffering. We see disabled deaths rise, we see higher levels of child poverty, we see higher levels of working poor all whilst the rich friends of the Tories are getting richer; richer on the back of our suffering.

"This on top of the shameful Rape Clause supported by Ruth Davidson! Let's show them we are a community who have compassion and care. Let's show them we will defend our poorest and most vulnerable!"

Click here for more information on Facebook