In a press release issued today, Aberdeen Trades Union Council sent sympathy and condolences to the families and friends of all those affected by the recent atrocities in France, and condemned the use of violence and aggression against innocent civilians in Lebanon, Palestine and the wider Middle East.
ATUC President, Kate Ramsden said, “Aberdeen Trades Union
Council opposes individual as well as state sponsored acts of terrorism as 'the
continuation of politics by other means', anywhere in the world.
“We will continue to fight locally and internationally for a
world free of war, violence and oppression and we are proud to stand for peace,
freedom and tolerance. We will campaign vigorously against racism and the far
Tommy Campbell, Unite and ATUC delegate said, “In addition,
we are disgusted by the increase in hate crimes and discriminatory actions in
our country following recent global events. We welcome refugees to Scotland
from Syria and throughout the world.”
He pledged that the Trade Union Movement will continue to be
at the forefront of the opposition to imperialism and war.
Tommy added, “With this in mind, we urge people to support
and attend the St Andrew's Day March and Rally in Aberdeen on 28th
November 2015 with a clear message that refugees are welcome here. We must
stand together against terrorism and racism wherever they raise their ugly
heads, and show our solidarity with all those fleeing war and oppression”
Gather at the St Nicholas Churchyard at 11am for a march at
11.30am to a Rally in the Castlegate at 12 noon. All those who oppose racism
and fascism are welcome to attend.