On 17th July the government unveiled the Trade Union Bill and ATUC members will have seen and heard Tories taking to the airwaves to denounce trade unionists.
"The Tories want to restrict our ability to protect our member’s terms and conditions at work, limit our ability to strike and restrict our ability to campaign on the political issues which matter.
The bill is the biggest attack on trade unions in decades. The ATUC is calling on all our delegates, associates and affiliates to sign-up to Unions Together's 'Fight the Bill' at www.unionstogether.org.uk/anti_tu_bill
Melanie Bartlett, Campaigns Co-ordinator at Unions Together warned, "The text of the bill is a carefully crafted and chilling attempt to undermine the basis of trade unionism.
"We need to stand together to stop this bill which represents an attack on both our human and democratic right to organise collectively.
"The right to strike is made significantly harder, other agency workers drafted in to make legitimate strike action redundant, attempts to criminalise pickets and reduce our political campaigning funds.
"Trade union laws in Britain are already outside international convention standards and this bill will take Britain far away from the democratic tradition."
Sign up today to join the campaign to fightback against this unfair, unnecessary and undemocratic law www.unionstogether.org.uk/anti_tu_bill.