We are calling on all our affiliated unions to join us, and add your voice to the protest - NO MORE UK COMPLICITY IN ISRAELI WAR CRIMES!
As Desmond Tutu said, “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor”. Please come and join us to campaign to end the injustices in Palestine.
Click here to find out more on the SPSC events facebook page
Brian Carroll of the ATUC said, "The recent assault on Gaza by Israel has killed over 2,100 Palestinians - mostly civilians, including 490 children - and has left 11,000 wounded.
"Nearly a quarter of Gaza’s 1.8 million residents were displaced during the fighting which destroyed more than 20,000 homes. Israeli air strikes have caused untold damage to an already besieged economy and destroyed most of Gaza infrastructure with an estimated cost of reconstruction around $7.8 billion.
"The outrage of the international community towards Israel’s war crimes along with the solidarity to the Palestinians shown by people around the world contributed to Israel ending the assault on Gaza."
Kate Ramsden, Vice-president added, "However, Gaza remains under siege and the brutal occupation in the West Bank continues. Our solidarity to the Palestinian people and support for the boycott movement against Israel is needed more than ever.
investment in Israel’s military infrastructure (6.5% of Elbit systems shares)
contributes to perpetuating Israel’s war crimes. Such ruthless investments,
purely driven by financial gain, are complicit with major violations of
international law and human rights abuses and must be opposed in the most
vigorous terms.
"Please come and add your voice to the demands for Barclays to divest from Elbit Systems."
There will also be an organising meeting at 7.30pm on Wednesday (at Unite the Union offices, 42-44 King Street) to help plan the protest. You are welcome to come along.