The Scottish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign protest in Aberdeen saw activists from across the North East of Scotland come together in St Nicholas Square on Saturday 5th July, to stand in solidarity with Palestine, and to protest the latest instance of Israeli enforced collective punishment and the biased mainstream media coverage in the UK.
Activists from Dundee and Perth joined over 30 others from a range of organisations and communities, demonstrating the diversity of the support and solidarity with Palestine.
the demonstration took place a video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5N7ZKfitew)
emerged from Palestine showing a brutal attack by Israeli Occupation Forces on 15
year old Tarek Abu Khdeir, the cousin of Mohammad Abud Khdeir who it has now
been confirmed was tortured and burnt alive last week. A press release
from the Khdeir family detailed the attack on Tarek:
“Despite needing critical medical attention for severe
injuries to his head and face, the Israeli authorities denied medical treatment
for 5 hours before he was transferred to Hadassa Hospital. He was then taken
directly to court and is currently in detention at the notorious Russian
compound (al-Maskobiya), known for brutal interrogation techniques.”
“His father, Salah Abu Khdeir, asked that his son
be seen at a hospital of the family’s choosing, but was denied, and was
subsequently denied having an Arab doctor present during Tarek’s treatment.
Although his son was unconscious, he was chained to the bed. While in the
hospital, his face had swollen to a degree to which he could not speak when
conscious and blood was also found in his urine, concerning family that there
could be internal bleeding...”
“Tarek is in dire need of medical attention and his
family is calling for his immediate release after this brutal beating and
arbitrary arrest.”
were delivered by the Chair of the Aberdeen branch of CND and the Imam of
Aberdeen mosque. Vice-chair of Aberdeen SPSC branch Ally Coutts spoke at
the demonstration on recent events, highlighting the way Israel is once again
using the violence of a few individuals to justify collective punishment of
Palestinians and to vilify and isolate Hamas. A statement from Gazan
grassroots activist Rafat Abushaban was then read out, detailing the impact of
the latest Israeli airstrikes on those living in the besieged Gaza Strip.
Aberdeen SPSC thanked everyone who helped make the demonstration a success.
You too can take action!!
· Join your local Scottish PSC group, email Aberdeen@scottishpsc.org.uk
, visit facebook.com/spscaberdeen