Report of the ATUC at STUC Dundee 2014
Monday at the STUC
Kevin Hutchens |
Investment in public services and living wage are key to recovery
The STUC is calling on UK and Scottish Governments to end austerity and instead invest in public services and backed the ATUC's call to pay a Living Wage to ensure a 'better today and more prosperous tomorrow for Scotland’s people'.
Congress urged the Scottish Government to 'change its mind' and use its procurement rules to insist that contractors pay the Living Wage.
ATUC delegate, Kevin Hutchens, seconded the Composite and urged Congress to ensure that Living Wage provisions are at the heart of public procurement regimes.
Austerity 'a political choice, not an economic necessity'
Congress later pledged to continue its high profile campaign against welfare cuts and austerity and will press the UK and Scottish governments to take steps to improve employment protections, including the abolition of employment tribunal fees, and an end to poverty pay.
Kevin Hutchens spoke to the composite which included the ATUC call for the "abolition of employment tribunal fees and discussion on the potential need for full control of employment tribunals in Scotland to be fully devolved, to facilitate the abolition of fees and other progressive changes."
Wednesday at the ATUC
Support pledged for Palestinian people in the International Year of Solidarity
Michelle Brady |
Congress condemned the human suffering in Palestine as a result of Israeli segregation and backed the ATUC's call to mark International Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People in 2014 by calling on the Scottish Government to include the recent history of the Palestinian people in the school curriculum and to look into producing a booklet to increase awareness of Boycott, Disinvestment and sanctions amongst Scottish Trade Unions.
Michelle Brady moved the Composite and slammed the treatment of the Palestinian people by the Israeli occupation in the West Bank and the blockade of Gaza.
Police Control Centre Closures without consultation condemned
In almost the last throw of the dice on Wednesday afternoon, Congress supported the ATUC's concern at the decision by Police Scotland to close the Aberdeen and other Control Centres, without consultation and agreed that the STUC General Council will formally express its concern to Police Scotland and the Scottish Government.
Michelle Brady, herself a member of UNISON's Police Staff's Branch, told Congress that local knowledge will be lost through these closures - in Aberdeen but also across other parts of the country, with over 450 jobs affected. She called for the STUC to challenge the closures.