
Monday 3 February 2014

ATUC Constitution revised for presentation to AGM

Aberdeen Trade Union Council delegates, who attended the workshop on Saturday 1st February have reviewed the ATUC constitution and have produced an updated Constitution and Standing Orders based on the STUC model.

Thanks to Ron Webster, also in attendance, for the photo
These will now be presented to the ATUC AGM on 5th March where they will need to be approved by a two thirds majority.

Brian Carroll, Interim Secretary said, "The delegates who attended all worked very hard to review and update the Constitution and to make it fit for purpose. We were particularly keen to tighten up the financial governance of the ATUC and we believe that our proposed Constitution does just that.

"It will now be up to delegates to consider the new Constitution and Standing Orders and to decide whether they will approve them at the AGM."

Kate Ramsden, Minute Secretary added, "We would like to thank all those delegates who gave up their Saturday to take part in the Workshop, with special thanks to our Treasurer, Mark Chapman, who pulled together the final version of our proposed Constitution and Standing Orders."