ATUC has given its full support to George Adam, the Provost of Aberdeen and Aberdeen City Council for flying
the Palestinian flag on 29th Nov 2013, following criticisms of this action in a letter to the Evening Express on Friday 3rd January.

Brian Carroll, Interim ATUC Secretary said, “Aberdeen City Council flying the Palestinian flag on the International Day of solidarity with Palestine, as George Adam pointed out, was nothing to do with favouritism.
“It was to do with showing an understanding of the Palestinian people's plight and that Aberdeen as a city also understands the suffering that the Palestinians and other peoples around the world, endure on a daily basis.
“Aberdeen Trades Union Council is proud that Aberdeen, a city which has given the Freedom of the City to Nelson Mandela, who fought against apartheid all his life, continues that tradition of recognising that apartheid in any shape or form, imposed on any peoples, is abhorrent and should cease.
“Good on George Adam and the city administration for participating in the UN day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people and long may Aberdeen's history of opposing racism, discrimination and apartheid continue,” said Brian.