Come along to the Tunnels, Aberdeen on Sat 11th October 2014 for a night of great music and activism in support of the children of Gaza.
- Date: Saturday 11th October 2014
- Venue: The Tunnels
- Location: Aberdeen
- Doors: 6:00pm til 1:00am (last entry 10:00pm)
Kate Ramsden, of the ATUC who will be at the event, said, "This great night of music and activism will feature bands, the Chandeliers, D.O.C., Sage, Sons o' the Soil and DJ.
"All ticket sales going to support the children of Gaza. The chosen charity is the
Palestinian Trauma Center UK, a charity that supports mental health and community workers in Gaza who are dealing every day with a traumatised population."
June McGuire, SPSC added, "Both rooms at the Tunnels will be in use. One room, which opens at 6pm, will host talks, films, teas and discussions about the situation in Gaza and how we can support a peaceful and just transition that supports the Palestinian people. We will have live hookups to friends in Gaza to get the real view from activists working on the ground and support from some big names in the UK.
"The second room will host a great evening of music featuring some amazing North East bands including Sons o' the Soil, Sage, D.O.C. and the Chandeliers, and supported by a DJ in between the bands. A great night of rock, folk, world music, soul and ska guaranteed to get you singing and dancing in support of Gaza!"
So come along and get involved and show your support for the people of Gaza! They need our help.
If you can't make it . . no problem, a donation can be made via PAYPAL gigginforgaza@gmail.com